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miercuri, 13 ianuarie 2010

Rihanna Interview

Q-1: After the success of "Pon De Replay" last year, "SOS (Rescue Me)" shot up the charts to No. 1 as soon as it was released. How does it feel to go from being virtually unknown to having this type of success in less than a year?
It is crazy because I see everything happening but none of it's really hitting me. I don't... like, can it get better? It's so weird because everybody calls me, "Your song is number one," and I'm like, "Thank you!" But I'm still in shock, I still haven't, like, really freaked out and thought, "Oh my gosh, my song is number one." I'm still trying to make myself freak out. If you have the number one song in the country, you should be smiling every second.

Q-2: Your story almost seems like a fairytale: You were discovered in Barbados by a music producer; you were flown to New York to meet Jay-Z; he signed you to Def Jam. Is it really a fairytale story or is there more to it that we don't know?

It's really like a fairytale story. It had a lot of work put into it, but the signing was done in a day. Like, I couldn't ask for more.

Q-3: You released your second album only eight months after the first one. What made you decide to release it so quickly?

It basically felt like it was time, y'know? I was... my first album, I was thrown out there, and I mean, I was just a little girl coming from Barbados into a big city and a big country, and doing all this promotion and it never stopped, I had to learn to fix a lot of stuff myself, but I feel like I've grown five years in just a year, and I really want to show people that. And Music of the Sun was more like my introduction to the world: "Hey, I'm the girl from the Caribbean." This second album, this is a big step up from the first one. A Girl like Me, it's really... it's this girl from the Caribbean; what's it like to be a girl like me? And I think if you do that, I show people that by speaking of different real things, of different topics of my life.

Q-4: You've said that coming from Barbados, you hadn't heard much rock music before. What type of music did you grow up with and how did that influence your style?

I listened to a lot of reggae music, which has influenced my music highly. Um, I love R&B artists, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Destiny's Child, um, hip-hop music... Kanye West... that has all influenced my music. I try to fuse songs together... and now I'm using newer songs... like rock music... they don't play all records in Barbados unless it's reggae, so I didn't really know about "Tainted Love" [which she samples in "SOS"] a lot, I'd heard it a few times, I didn't know about Soft Cell or any of those older artists, until I moved to America, y'know, and I put that in my music, I fused that with pop and R&B and made a new song. That's art, yeah, I like to be creative.

marți, 12 ianuarie 2010


Dealuri, dulci sfere-mpadurite
Ascunse jumatate in pamant
Ca sa se poata bucura si mortii
De carnea voastra rotunjita bland,
Poate un mort sta ca si mine-acum,
Asculta vesniciile cum cura..

Isi aminteste vechi vieti pe rand
Si contemplandu-va murmura:
Dealuri, dulci sfere-mpadurite
Ascunse jumatate in vazduh
Ca sa se poata bucura si viii
De nesfarsit de blandul vostru duh...

Ana Blandiana


Ea era frumoasă ca umbra unei idei,
- a piele de copil mirosea spinarea ei,
a piatră proaspăt spartă a strigat dintr-o limbă moartă.
Ea nu avea greutate, ca respirarea.

Râzânda şi plângânda cu lacrimi mari
era sărată ca sarea slăvită la ospete de barbari.
Ea era frumoasă ca umbra unui gând.
Între ape, numai ea era pământ.

Nichita Stanescu

Pamantul - de ape

Un pescarus s-a zbatut si n-a mai plecat
Era purtat la tarm de valul mort
S-a anuntat apoi ca va intra in port
Si o sa se izbeasca uscatul de uscat.

Cineva a scris mai tarziu un raport
Daca trebuie, sau nu, sa ingroape
Crucea alba a valului mort -
Mai incape amar in ocean, mai incape..

Aurel Sefciuc

luni, 11 ianuarie 2010

Rondelul rozelor ce mor

E vremea rozelor ce mor,
Mor în grădini, si mor si-n mine --
S-au fost atât de viată pline,

Si azi se sting asa usor.

În tot, se simte un fior,
O jale e în orisicine.
E vremea rozelor ce mor --
Mor în grădini, si mor si-n mine.

Pe sub amurgu-ntristător,
Curg vălmăsaguri de suspine,
Si-n marea noapte care vine,
Duioase-si pleacă fruntea lor... --
E vremea rozelor ce mor.

Alexandru Macedonski

Romanţă meschină

Dacă-ai crezut c-ar fi putut să fie
Ceva mai mult decât ce-a fost, te-ai înşelat!...
N-a fost decât un început de nebunie,
De care-ntâmplător ne-am vindecat!...

N-a fost decât un zbor de triolete
Pe care un poet le-a scris în vis,
În cinstea celei mai frumoase fete,
Şi-a-nnebunit de'ndată ce le-a scris!...

N-a fost decât ce nu se poate spune
Decât cu ochii-nchişi şi pe-nnoptat,
În ritmul unui început de rugăciune
Pentru iertarea primului păcat!...

N-a fost decât ce-a trebuit să fie,
Şi, dac-a fost cu-adevărat ceva,
N-a fost decât un strop de veşnicie
Desprins dintr-un meschin "et caetera!"...
Ion Minulescu